1. 国家自然科学基金项目:考虑装车效率的分布式柔性流水车间调度研究,30万,2024.01-2026.12,在研。
2. 广东省自然科学基金项目:集成能效生产调度与过程优化的造纸厂能效提升方法研究,10万,2019.10-2022.9,结题。
3. 广东省教育厅特色项目:面向绿色制造的造纸生产线多任务协同优化研究,20万,2020.4-2022.4,结题。
[1] Zeng Z Q(曾志强), Zhang M, Chen T, et al. A new selection operator for differential evolution algorithm[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 226: 107150.(
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[7] Zeng Z Q(曾志强), Hong M N, Man Y, et al. Multi-object optimization of flexible flow shop scheduling with batch process—Consideration total electricity consumption and material wastage[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2018, 183: 925-939.
[8] Zeng Z Q(曾志强), Zhang M, Hong Z Y, et al. Enhancing differential evolution with a target vector replacement strategy[J]. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2022, 82: 103631.
[9] Hong Z Y, Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者), Gao L. Energy-efficiency scheduling of multi-cell manufacturing system considering total handling distance and eligibility constraints[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 151: 106998.
[10] Hu Y S, Yu X P, Ren J Z, Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者), Qian Q M. Waste tire valorization: Advanced technologies, process simulation, system optimization, and sustainability[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024: 173561.
[11]Tian J, Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者), Hong Z, et al. Research on salient object detection algorithm for complex electrical components[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024: 1-19.
[12] Hu Y S, Man Y, Ren J Z, Zhou Z J, Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者). Multi-step carbon emissions forecasting model for industrial process based on a new strategy and machine learning methods[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024, 187: 1213-1233.
[13] Liu X, Xu Y, Wang T*, Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者), Zhou Z, Zhai Y. An Adaptive Search Strategy Combination Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning and Neighborhood Search [J]. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering,2025, 12(2): 177-217.
[14] Tian-Lei Wang, Shao-Wei Gu, Ren-Ju Liu, Le-Qing Chen, Zhu Wang*, Zhi-Qiang Zeng*(曾志强,通讯作者). Cuckoo Catfish Optimizer: A New Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence Review.
[15] Zeng Z Q*(曾志强,通讯作者), Liang W Y, Gao L. A differential evolution algorithm for numerical optimization based on cosine-exponential population size adaptive method. Memetic Computing.